Disrepair Housing

Have you checked if you are eligible for compensation yet?

Start our free assessment today and find out if you are entitled to claim compensation!


You could get your repairs fixed and be eligible to claim compensation!

We force landlords to adhere to their responsibilities of household repairs, and we further help victims of housing disrepair claim the compensation they deserve.

You are protected by rights written into law when renting from the council or through a housing association. With the help of our experienced solicitors, claiming compensation is easy.

No Win No Fee*

All our claims offer a No Win No Fee* service so you can have peace of mind knowing you will only be paying if you get your compensation.

Maximum Compensation

We will always fight to compensate the maximum amount possible.

Don’t Let Landlords Fail You

We know that landlords fail to make requested repairs in a reasonable amount of time. By connecting with one of our experienced housing solicitors, you can gain the legal advice on how to proceed and claim the compensation you deserve.

Find out how much your claim could be worth now:

Avg. tenant payout in 22/23 was £6,512

By filling in this form you agree for Disrepair Housing to use your phone
number and email address to call/text & email you about your housing disrepeair claim.

Should I claim for my housing disrepair compensation?

Always remember that your landlord has a legal responsibility to maintain specific parts of a property and keep your property in a good state of repair. Any repairs they do make can also not be reclaimed through the cost of your rent or asked to be paid by you directly.

You do not need to use a claims management company or solicitor to make your complaint about your property. You can complain to your landlord or housing association directly, and if your complaint is not successful you can refer it to the Housing Ombudsman for free if it falls under their remit.

No Win No Fee*

Have the peace of mind knowing you will only be paying if you get your compensation.

Maximum Compensation

We will fight for the maximum compensation available.

Sit back

Our team of compensation experts will handle the case so you can be sure to get the settlement without the hassle.

Start you claim now!

We have assisted many people claim housing disrepair compensation. Start your claim today and find out if you could get compensation!